Well...we started out our week going to see our friends Doug & Tami in Longmont, CO. It was a great trip, the boys traveled very well! They were real troopers! We left Sunday after Mikes meeting & then we came home Tuesday!
Keegan, Karson, & Jewel LOVE our boys...and our boys LOVE having the BIG kids to play with! Keegan & Lincoln are birthday buddies...October 28th! Yay for FRIENDS!!! It was a great time of hanging out & visiting with friends (Mike & Doug did do some work too!) It was fun to watch the kids play together!!

On Wednesday, we woke up & Mike started getting ready for work & Lincoln said he wanted to go bye-bye with daddy! So we got him ready & he went to work with Mike for the morning! Really they went for donuts & then Lincoln played at the office while Mike tried to work. Lincoln loves going to play at the office with Daddy, Cody, Jeff & Karen! So, I had the morning at home, just me & my little 'porkchop' Justice! I got lots of snuggles & loves...it was great!!! Then we had lunch & naptime, then we got ready to go to Jr High Youth group! We had so much fun! In the middle of youth group I got a delivery of a balloon & a certificate for family pictures with our personal photographer Karen!!! Can't wait to schedule those!!! THEN....at the end of youth group a few of our high school girls came in blowing whistles & they had a pretty Happy Birthday Crown & a pink feather boa all for me! They were ready to Cristina-nap me! So I gave kisses & hugs to my boys & the girls took me away! I closed my eyes & we drove around town (to confuse me) then we ended up @ Adventures! We all ordered ice cream (and Sheri got French Fries that we all shared). Then they showed me the super cool tie dyed roses, & a balloon & Forbidden fruits valentine candy...New Moon edition...with a picture of Jacob Black...oh silly girls!!! I love them! This was soooo much fun! I feel so loved!!!

Ok..so those days were so exciting that I can't really remember what we did Friday!! I think it was just a normally awesome day with my boys & we hung out with Nate & Sheri....played pitch & THE GIRLS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only like the second time in a whole year since we started hanging out with them!!!! Oh and 2 of my sweet girls graced us with their presence...really just to have some yummy fruity pebble rice krispie treats!!!! Love you Melissa & Austine!
Now on Saturday, we woke up & had some family time! Then got ready to go! We took the boys to hang out @ Douglas' (adoptive grandparents) house! Then we left for Kearney! When we got to town Mike turned in a different spot...WE WERE GOING ICE SKATING!!! Now...he had previously told me that we were going to do something we had never done together before. I knew we were going to Kearney because we had a gift card to use at a restaurant there. I briefly thought we might go ice skating...but dismissed it because Mike has always said he didn't think it sounded fun! So when he told me thats what we were doing I'm pretty sure I shouted "ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!?!??!?!" It was so much fun! I haven't done that in way too many years than I want to admit & Mike had never been! I can proudly say...neither of us ever fell! I did take breaks because it was kinda scary & lots of people were going soooo fast!!!!We had so much fun! Then we went shopping & I found some great bargains! Then we went to eat at The Alley Rose. It was a great day & even after 10.5 years marriage + 2 years dating....I never get sick of spending time with him! (Ok...somedays I do, but only for a short time).
It was a great birthday week! I am so in love with Mike & so thankful that he constantly tries so hard to help me fall more in love with him everyday!
Yay! Sounds like an awesome time! Gary and I's relationship is the opposite of yours... dating for almost 10 years and married for almost 2! How fun :) I love your blogs and your wonderful stories... if you ever come to Laramie you should let me know!!!