The boys are getting to be so fun together. They play so nicely & laugh & giggle at each other constantly...I LOVE IT!!! Lincoln also was successful in potty training today...which makes Momma extremely happy! I do however, need to stock up on some fun surprises for days like today! He is growing up so fast. He is learning to pick up all his toys (I help of course!) but today before, nap & bedtime he picked them up & put them away! I am so proud of him! Justice is starting to really be a jabber-box!! He still says Mom-mom & Dadadadadad. But he has added Papa & mo ( of course) & something that sounded like Justice!! He is full of smiles & giggles these days, which is so fun!
I was not so productive today...unless you call a nap productive! I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping while the boys did today! I did also make some super delish Chicken Enchiladas for lunch! I do still need to empty all the trash (tomorrow is trash day) & rotate dishes in the dishwasher & plan meals for the week! Hmmm...we'll see what happens!
Oh the joys of bathtime!!!! My boys have so much fun together!!! They are so cute!!
Lincoln loves the bubbles & tells me Momma...I have a beard!

I love being a mommy...just in case any was wondering! It is so much better than I could have ever imagined! This will be repeated much throughout this Blog! My boys are such a blessing to me! I think that they teach me so much about the Father's love for us too! I feel like I understand a little more each day how much HE loves us...all because of these 2 amazing little people that I love so much! I am so thankful for the ways He continues to teach me & bless me! My prayer is always that we can raise these little boys to be Mighty Warriors for Jesus! So if you think about it...join me in this!
I love being a mommy too! And completely agree that it's the best job in the entire world. I wish I could stay home with Cameron- but unfortunately that's not possible. But it does make me cherish the moments I have even more. Your little guys are so cute- I bet you have your hands full with 3 Sander boys in the house. Lots of laughs I'm sure :)