Ok....for those of you who don't know(I'm guessing, if you're reading my blog you know this, but just in case)...my husband Mike is a youth minister & summer is
CrAzY!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway our summer is in full swing & the busyness starts!!!
This week we are getting ready for our first week of church camp! We leave for high school camp on Sunday afternoon. I will be going & taking the boys. We will stay in our camper & have lots of fun! We will still get to see Mike everyday & even hang out with him some! Which is WAY better than staying at home & not even seeing him a little bit! My little boys
kinda like their daddy! So, that means I am busy getting the camper cleaned, loaded, stocked, etc...ready for the first trip of the year! Also, laundry, shopping list for food, snacks, sun/bug stuff, toys, etc! I TAKE SO MUCH STUFF!!! Gotta be prepared! Oh & a trip to Kearney to pick up supplies & such. I am doing a jewelry making class at camp! We will be making earrings out of soda cans....lots of fun!
Oh & part of our trip to Kearney is because Saturday is our 11th anniversary!!!! Where does the time go?!?!??! 11 years is a long time! It's amazing! So anyway, hopefully, we will get to spend some quality time together getting ready for camp, doing a little shopping & I think we are going to finish the day off with yummy Prime Rib dinner @ Cunningham's Feed in
oooh...maybe I will see what movie is playing too!
Soo for the rest of our summer we will be busy as well! I'm sure I will write more later, but here's a preview!!
June 5th - 11th ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!
June 6-11 HS Camp @
June 12 - Inflatable Game Rental
June 13 - My Parents ARRIVE!!! (sometime this week I think)
June 19 - my baby sister turns 13 & Mike has a wedding to do!
June 27-July 1st -
July 4th - Extravaganza with our super duper awesome friends...
July 24-30...Mike has mission trip (not sure what me & the boys are doing yet! We might go visit him)
August 1-6,7,8, or 9 - Me & boys &
Bri (super great youth group girl to help me) will be traveling across Nebraska & Wyoming to the Tetons for a little
Roelfsema Family Vacation/Reunion. We will probably do Yellowstone to!!! Pretty excited about this trip! Sad Mike can't come but WAY excited that
Bri is willing to come help me with the boys....it's a LONG WAY to the Tetons from here!
Anyway, I will *hopefully* write about each of these events along the way! Pleas be in prayer for all of this! Pray for our ministry to change lives & reach kids! Summer is crazy, but a super influential time in the lives of these youth! We LOVE this!!!!
YAY for summer & CAMP!!!!