March 23, 2009
7:30 am - I wake up with regular contractions about 8 minutes apart...but being me...I decided that it wasn't too bad & I really didn't want to wake up Lincoln too early, so I took time to fix my hair & put on some make up! I know...I'm ridiculous!!! As I'm doing this, I realize the contractions are still coming pretty regularly...and a little closer! So I wake up Mike @ 8ish & told him we needed to get ready to go. (with his eyes still closed) he says "where are we going?" I replied..."Well sweetie, it's time to go to the hospital (EYES BURST OPEN) "REALLY?!??!" Instantly awake! So we finished gathering a few things & decided to wake up Lincoln. We called Grandma Kimmie to make sure she would be ready for her little visitor! We went & dropped him off, then headed to the hospital!
9 am - At NCH, we start the check in process (blah, blah, blah)...oh and contractions about every 5-6 at this point! While checking in, my doctor walked by & asked if we were there on official business & we said yes! So, since Justice had been breech most of my pregnancy, she took us immediately to the ultrasound room to check his position! EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!!! So we went to the delivery room! I was anxious because I knew how quickly things had progressed with Lincoln, and everyone had told me that #2 baby would be faster! Well, we got ready & they did all the prep stuff etc... he was really coming! So we just waited(ok...really everyone else waited while I worked, but I can't complain about 4 hours of labor!) a little while & at 12:23 p.m. we welcomed our sweet little Justice Terry! HE WAS PERFECT!!!

So now, here we are a whole year later! He has grown & changed so much! We have been through alot with this little guy! We are so thankful that Jesus continues to bless us by letting us raise Justice!
1 year stuff...
*Justice has 7 teeth...4 on top & 3 on bottom...pretty sure he's always working on a new one....he's been pretty drooly lately.
*Justice has been crawling for almost 6 months, he walks while holding onto furniture, walls etc. He waves, loves to clap, laugh & squeal! He nods his head "YES" pretty emphatically when asked a question. He LOVES music!!
*Words that he says...Mama, Dadda, up, more, Justice, hi, bye, Lincoln (pretty rough...but he is totally saying it), dog & makes barking sound, juice, no, papa, yeah, ball
He has recently given up his morning nap :-( But wakes up generally about 8:30...eats cereal & has juice for breakfast...just like Lincoln (pretty much want to do everything like big brother). He likes food...ALOT...somedays it seems as though he might never get full! After lunch he does take a really good nap. Yay...for Mommy time! He LOVES his daddy! He has the cutest little smile that turns up on the corners of his mouth & totally melts my heart everytime I see it!!! So far, the little bit of hair he has is red, his eyes are amazingly Blue & gorgeous! He is trying to walk, but he knows that crawling is SOOO much faster! He loves books. He's Perfect!!!!
For his BIG DAY! I planned ROCK STAR themed party! I found the cutest stuff online & went from there! I has so much fun! I LOVE making cakes for my boys birthdays!!! We had BBQ beef sandwiches, homemade potato salad, baked beans (I try to copy Papa's awesome recipe), then we had an electric guitar cake, & cupcakes too! Anyway, we are so blessed to have friends & family to celebrate with! Justice is a very much loved little boy! He will bring a smile to anyone's face! He has the sweetest eyes & the cutest little puffy cheeks you have ever seen...they are the best for kissing! Oh...I am so in love with him! Here are some photos of our awesome little party!! (an of course I have ZERO pics of me & my birthday boy..guess I should pass the camera around)
I pray everyday that God raises him up as a mighty leader for HIM!!! So...if you are reading this, join me in that prayer for my children as well as yours!
Oh goodness, I just wanna kiss those baby cheeks :). He is so cute! I love all the pictures. And the Cake is AWESOME!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also love that you have become like family for my brother. And he can have some of those memories with your boys that he doesn't get so easy from my kids. Thank you a million times over for the time you give him. I will always be greatful for what you are to him.